Monday, December 13, 2021

What to Put on the Shelves in Your Gas Station Shop

gas station store convenient creager mercantile wholesale supplier

Populating the shelves of your gas station shop can seem like an interesting challenge. On the one hand, you have commuters who might drop in to buy a pack of cigarettes after a long day of work. For them, you can often get good feedback by using products that you could normally find in a head shop. On the other hand, there are also people looking for magazines, specific car accessories, practical items such as flashlights, and of course groceries and candy.


The idea is typically to create a balanced mix between these products. You have to consider how much each is worth, what the demand is and whether or not you might enjoy a consistent demand for some products, while others are more expensive and less likely to find their way to customers very soon.


On the other hand, if you’re known to think outside the box, and you like getting creative, a gas station shop is a place for endless opportunity. You can add unique decorations, delicious non-alcoholic beverages for drivers, tobacco accessories that are hard to find and even small souvenirs for tourists, collectibles and other unique items.


Many of the items found in the above suggestions will be readily available at wholesale providers like Creager Mercantile – the leading wholesaler when it comes to tobacco products, vape pens, candy and just about anything you can find at a local 7-11 or gas station.

Originally Posted on: What to Put on the Shelves in Your Gas Station Shop

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