Monday, November 1, 2021

Is It Hard to Open Your Own Cannabis Dispensary?

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Legalizing both recreational and medical marijuana has opened a new industry, so there are more and more people who want to open their own cannabis dispensary.

But how hard is this actually?

The first step you must take is researching for information and making a plan. Check your state`s website and you may find out more about the application process. In general, it is about finding a suitable location for your business, getting your dispensary license, drafting a good business plan and, of course, raising your initial capital.  Make sure you include pricing for wholesale bongs Denver area suppliers sell in bulk along with other smoke accessories.

One of the most challenging things you will have to do in the process is estimating dispensary costs and securing financing. You may not know it yet, but there is a lack of financial services when it comes to the cannabis industry. If you think you will have access to traditional sources of capital, you may be wrong. Most likely, you will have to pay premium interests on the money you borrow from a bank, so make sure you are prepared for this.

Finally, build your team! You may need an attorney, an accountant, a retail professional, a security contractor, a medical director (only if you plan to open a medical dispensary) and, of course, one or more employees.

Original Post over here: Is It Hard to Open Your Own Cannabis Dispensary?

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